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Australia Cigarettes

Salem Cigarettes Australia – a tremendous success

For the first time Salem Cigarettes as menthol variety of cigarettes were released in 1956 in the US by Reynolds Tobacco Company. Salem was a tremendous success, both in the States and beyond. This is one of the brands of cigarettes that have served to popularize menthol cigarettes all over the world. At one time, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company invested a lot of money in the refurbishment and modernization of the factory. Today it is a modern, powerful production that produces cigarettes of most brands owned by JTI.

In general, Salem Cigarettes include three main varieties. Usual and light in King Size format, lightened in Slims format. Huge queues, pre-orders, record sales volumes, dozens of imitators – all this is an integral part of the history of Salem, which radically changed the tobacco industry. After more than 50 years from the moment of its appearance on the market, the brand remains popular and in demand. Her blue-green corporate color of the pack is well recognized all over the world.

Today Salem Cigarettes are positioned as good-quality menthol cigarettes of the middle price category, targeting both men and women. It is a good indicator as both men and women would like to smoke good quality cigarettes any time and anywhere, and these cigarettes should be accessible. So, Salem Cigarettes are namely these cigarettes offering this unique possibility to enjoy smoking, find something new in it and continue.

They cannot be called light, but the concentration of nicotine and resins does not make them excessively heavy, due to what the tobacco growers recommend the brand, both for beginners and experienced smokers with many years of experience. Cigarettes have a pleasant menthol flavor, but the flavor notes give out a tobacco leaf native to North Carolina – aromatic, tart.