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Australia Cigarettes

West Australia Cigarettes – the buyer understands his/her advantage and feels confident

West Cigarettes are pioneers in European tobacco products market. The brand quickly gained popularity thanks to original bouquet of flavors and aromas that is distinguished by the astringency and thick white smoke from classic European cigarettes.

Unlike the traditional European tobacco blend, the bulk of which belongs to Virginia tobacco brand, the makers of West chose the North American format, led by a mixture of “American Blend”. Successful combination of Burley, Oriental varieties with Virginia share, prepared by freezing method, allowed the company-manufacturer Reemtsma to successfully wedge into the European market and win an impressive share of smokers.

In 2000, the brand surprised the market with a number of innovative technologies. All West cigarettes received a unique Streamtec filter-propeller, combining a coal-acetate filter, cleansing smoke from cyanide, benzene and nitrogen and special scatter in the form of blades, through which the smoke clouds evenly fill the lungs of the smoker, allowing you to fully experience the rich taste of German cigarettes.

To date, West Cigarettes are sold in 90 countries, but the start of sales of the original brand is 1981, when they first appeared on the shelves of tobacco shops in Germany. A powerful advertising campaign, accompanying the appearance of the brand, quickly elevated it to the rank of the most sought-after and bought in Germany. The advertising slogans “Let’s go West!” And “Test the West!”, A sight for the youth audience, expressive taste and affordable price in comparison with competitors made the brand famous far beyond Germany.

Making its choice in favor of West, the buyer understands his/her advantage and feels confident, relying on authority and universal acceptance.

All these qualities attract many people, letting them enjoy these cigarettes. In addition, the stylish design of the package makes the product more presentable. In some cases, this factor plays an important role: some people simply like trendy accessories.