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Girls think that men can easier live and buy cheap cigarettes

I am a girl and have once come to one conclusion the other day … All the same, it is easier for men to live and buy cheap cigarettes on web stores … It will not be offending, but … A woman still has to give birth, this is first, secondly, the majority of women work and moreover succeed more than their beloved men. Third – the woman takes a big financial share and a physical one. But even this is not the most important thing … The other day I experienced a real shock when, by a miracle, I managed to escape from the pursuit and harassment of two 30-year-old men. That is, the most difficult thing is that a man can go out at any time, a woman risks being a victim of unsatisfied individuals, which, for some strange reason, are becoming numerous. So, I was practically frightened in the center of the city, when at 11 o’clock in the evening two people started harassing me …

Neither the phrase that I was married, nor the phrase that I was not interested in them at all did not confuse them. Attempts to paw, pester could end in disrepair, if not a passing convoy of policemen. They did not do anything, did not detain them, they went their own way, the police escorted me to the subway … I lit a peaceful light, dropping the burden of experiences, but so far I have not come to the conclusion how to get out of such situations … , apparently, to do some martial arts in order to be able to fight back.
What do you think?

But I have to tell another thing. When men smoke, the most people do not think that it is not habitual. But a smoking lady, oh Lord! Frankly speaking, a wave of critics threatens to overflow a lady with a glowing cigarette in hand. Ladies are also people, aren’t they? And they also dare buy cheap cigarettes on web shops and smoke if they find a delight in it.