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Australia Cigarettes

Buy cheap cigarettes online, it is your right and your delight

So, we will dedicate our record to people who laugh at us and our habit to buy cheap cigarettes online.
It’s a special for smokers who are ashamed of being laughed.

They are embarrassed to appear to the public with a cigarette in their teeth, they are afraid that someone will find out about their secret sin, they run through the dark streets just to quietly smoke a cigarette one or the other … Do you know all in this concern? Do you understand why it happens. Because of the relationship to smokers. Anti-smokers consider smoking as almost the most mortal sin, for which we, my smoking friends, must burn in the Hell-furnace. “IT IS NOT RIGHT!” – they shout everywhere. Although, weI think, the concepts of “right / wrong” (as, accordingly, and all other concepts) should be formed for each person independently, based on personal views and preferences, and not because of oppression of the media.

To confuse someone with arguments is also wrong, but for some reason no one approaches such people and does not splash saliva into them. “SMOKING KILLS!” – everywhere they write in huge screaming letters. And what does not kill, dear? Both cars, people, and feelings are killers … But why are there no weapons in gun shops with inscriptions that pistols can launch “a bullet to break a skull”? Why does nobody warn that these goods kill? Why are there no such inscriptions on bottles with alcohol? We are crazy. Someone dare warn me that we do not have to buy cheap cigarettes online while possibly holding a glass of whisky in a hand.
This is what we want to say .. Guys, do not care about the propaganda. These are our life that we live and we dare live as we like. It is our right and our delight!