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Australia Cigarettes

Captain Black cigarettes – the basis of all his subsequent blends

Captain Black does not make capsule Captain Black cigarettes. Instead, manufacturers add a sweetened filter that creates a pleasant aftertaste that is no worse than push-button cigarettes. The Captain Black cigarettes range is very wide; they emphasize and complement the original taste of real tobacco, making it softer for smoking.

The Captain Black cigarettes line was created by the American company Lane Limited and its founder Herman Gee Lane, who once immigrated to the United States with his family from Germany. Lane managed to achieve success in a short time through hard work, despite the difficult times for American business. Along with the expansion of the company’s staff to 150 people and the promotion of Italian, English pipes, he also created his own tobacco blend.

The history of the brand began in 1973, when pipe tobacco first appeared on store shelves, with a rather high price of 25 cents per ounce at that time. Lane’s price list had included the mixture earlier, as early as 1956, and sold in bulk, advertised as “slightly fragrant, slow-burning, and pleasant.”

The name itself was invented by Herman, who was fond of the biography and adventures of Edward Teach, according to the cruel and intimidating enemy “Captain Blackbeard”. Thus, the name “Captain Black” became an abbreviation of the English nickname “Captain Blackbeard”. His passion for pipe tobacco led him to invent a special method for steaming Black Cavendish tobacco. This tobacco is the basis of all his subsequent blends.