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Australia Cigarettes

Gauloises Australia Cigarettes – characteristics acceptable to smokers

Perhaps the dominant name among the outgoing can be called Gauloises. During hose beautiful and carefree days, when the sun shone brighter, and the girls smiled more often, and we smoked and received pleasure from this process, one day, absent-mindedly looking at the window of a tobacco kiosk, we decided to buy French Gauloises Blondes Cigarettes, where on a yellow pack, except anti-tobacco agitation, the characteristics acceptable to us were indicated (tar: 4 mg / cigar, nicotine: 0.4 mg / cig). And after that we smoked them for a long time regularly, despite the fact that they were in stock far from every outlet of the city.

We – smokers dare say that Gauloises Cigarettes are the most tasty cigarettes we have ever smoked on an ongoing basis. The whole secret lies in the unique recipe of “cocktail” of Turkish and Syrian varieties of tobacco.

note that Gauloises Cigarettes are one of the few exceptions to the design of packs: blue here contain full-bodied cigarettes, and red ones are “light”. These cigarettes are quite good. Here the taste of tobacco is felt, nothing “distracted”. Also we want to note the super-light version – a smooth, unflavored taste

Each pack contains 20 cigarettes of Gauloises Blondes. The design of the pack is simple and intuitive with the brand logo of the brand – a winged helmet. True connoisseurs of proven and quality tobacco choose this brand. At first, Gauloises Cigarettes did not have a special filter, due to which their length was small. The production process of cigarettes involved Turkish and Syrian tobacco, due to which they had a rich taste and aroma.

Later, Gauloises Cigarettes were released with a filter, and the tobacco mixture was added to tobacco from North America, so that their taste became softer. During the Second World War, Gauloises Cigarettes were popular among French patriots. Also in the ranks of their admirers was Pablo Picasso – the founder of Cubism, and other cultural and political figures. These cigarettes were smoked by Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus. Today, Spain produces Gauloises Cigarettes.