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Australia Cigarettes

Since 2007, the Sovereign cigarettes have been replenished

We present a transitional version of the legendary Sovereign cigarettes. This is, so to speak, a transitional version. Soon the brand will merge with LD and will be called LD SOVEREIGN BLEND, as evidenced by the liner inside the pack and the upper part of the cellophane wrapper of the cigarette pack. Sovereign cigarettes are really strong, and traces of perforation on the classic perforated acetate filter could not be found.

Sovereign cigarettes are a product of the English company Gallagher. Gallaher Limited is one of the oldest enterprises in the United Kingdom, dating back to 1857.

The founder, Irishman Tom Gallagher, started out by hand wrapping cigarettes for sale to customers. Already at the end of the 9th century, the Gallaher Group became the largest tobacco producer in the world market.

The growth of the company and its development took place as the acquisition of competing enterprises. In 2002, the group included the largest company in Austria, formerly a state corporation.

Gallaher Limited is the third largest company in the United Kingdom and the fifth largest in the world. Brands: Benson & Hedges, Winston, LD, Camel, Sovereign cigarettes.

There are 3 types of tobacco used for the production of Sovereign cigarettes:

Virginia tobacco. The advantage is the simultaneous maturation of the tobacco leaf and the absence of stepchildren – lateral shoots. It is famous for its high sugar content and low resin content. Differs in a fruity-spicy delicate aroma. Has a high burning temperature, which is inconvenient for the smoker.

Burley tobacco. Opposite to Virginia. It features a low sugar content with a high resin capacity. The taste depends on the color. Burleigh white has cocoa-nutty nuances.

Oriental tobacco. A special feature in the drying process is carried out under the rays of the sun. Differs in a spicy sweetish taste.

Since 2007, Gallaher Limited has been acquired and is part of Japan’s Japan Tobacco Inc, known as JTI. The previously released classic ld Sovereign Red and lightweight Sovereign blue have been replenished with the menthol green label.