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Australia Cigarettes

Vogue Cigarettes Australia – a stylish addition to the female image

When someone is talking about women’s cigarettes, the mind unwittingly draws a Vogue package. For more than eighty years the American cigarette brand has been satisfied with the title of the most popular and sought-after women’s cigarettes in the world. It is interesting that since the appearance on the market, Vogue Cigarettes were positioned as a tobacco product for the fair sex.

The history of Vogue Cigarettes dates back to 1932, in the USA. Despite the fact that the brand began to advance in the market during the difficult years for the American economy, it immediately gained popularity among the target audience.

The secret of the success of the cigarette company was laid at the production stage: unlike classic men’s cigarettes, which have a pronounced tobacco flavor, thick smoke and high tar content, women’s Vogue cigarettes have a mild flavor and pleasant aroma. The manufacturer knowingly changed the proportions of the “American tobacco blend” in favor of Oriental tobacco, which gives cigarettes the necessary lightness.

Vogue Cigarettes are easy to distinguish from any other male brands. They are packed in a pack of thin cardboard, oblong in shape. Thus, femininity is manifested not only in taste, but also in the design of cigarette packaging. Original refined coloring, elegant pack, slim long cigarettes; – today the Vogue brand can be safely considered a fashion accessory, a stylish addition to the female image.

The design, ahead of time, quality tobacco with a special soft taste, unobtrusive sweetish aroma and easy pleasant smoke made women’s cigarettes recognizable not only in the US, but also far beyond its borders. With the advent of new series such as menthol Vogue Superslims Menthol and Vogue Superslims, the company began sales in Europe, especially in Germany, where the brand was settled in 1987.

Today Vogue is still personifying the standard of women’s cigarettes. Buyers are offered only branded products of British American Tobacco. You can buy original women’s cigarettes Vogue Superslims at a really good price.